Sunday, May 15, 2011

Lesson 7 - Success Can Never Be Accomplished Alone.

I once had quite a disappointing experience at work.  I had always prided myself with working to my fullest potential, and giving my 100 percent effort at all times.  One of my ex-bosses once remarked that I should lighten up, “I behave as if I own the company” he stated.   Well, for me this is the way all employees should be. A company hires you for a service, and I believe you should provide the best possible service you can provide.

Image my surprise then, when I was hired into a new position at a company I was very excited to be working with, when within several months of starting work with there, I was invited in for my first (and I hope last) write up.  My manager informed me while they had no complaints about my work ethics; they stated that I was not working well with my co-workers.  This was news to me, as I never spoke to any of them.  I came in well before all my co-workers (& my boss for that matter), and stayed late most nights.

Well, that seemed to be the exact problem my boss stated, I never said so much as a hello to anyone, just, worked, worked, and worked.  My co-workers seemed to be under the impression that I thought I was better or above them.  This totally shocked me, as I really did not have an opinion of any of my co-workers.  I was so thoroughly absorbed in my work and getting the job done as well as I could, that I frankly paid little attention to anyone

My boss then gave me some advice; he said he saw me as a diamond in the rough, and having the potential to one day to be a great leader.  However, he cautioned you cannot forget that you cannot get there alone.  You need people.  He further advised that I take some time each morning to get up, and go around the office and say some quick hellos. Now he said: “Not that I want you talking all day at the water cooler, but just get to know your co-workers, perhaps even go to lunch with some of them occasionally”.

As embarrassing as the write up had been, I promptly took his advice, and the very next day, made a point to say hello to everyone in my department.  At first I was met with some strange stares as some wondered why I was talking to them, since I had never spoken to them in the past.  Well, I’m happy to report, that within 3 short months I had built some wonderful friendships. I earned the respect of all my co-works, and supervisors.  The best part, is work became a lot more enjoyable, and easier, now that I knew I did not have to handle it all myself.

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1 comment:

  1. Since I discovered your blog two weeks ago, I've read all your entries with great interest starting with chapter #1.

    Your stories are exhortative, thought-provoking, and inspiring. They remind me of our daily interactions with others and how a small stone-of-action cast into a sea of humanity, affects many.

    I'm looking forward in reading future chapters.

